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Unity API Documentation
This is the complete list of members for Combu.User, including all inherited members.
_id (defined in Combu.Profile) | Combu.Profile | protected |
_image (defined in Combu.Profile) | Combu.Profile | protected |
_lastSeen (defined in Combu.Profile) | Combu.Profile | protected |
_sessionToken (defined in Combu.Profile) | Combu.Profile | protected |
_userName (defined in Combu.Profile) | Combu.Profile | protected |
AddContact(string otherUsername, eContactType contactType, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | |
AddContact(long otherId, eContactType contactType, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | |
AddContact(Profile otherUser, eContactType contactType, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | |
appCustomData | Combu.Profile | |
Authenticate(Action< bool > callback) | Combu.User | virtual |
Authenticate(Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | virtual |
Authenticate(string password, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | virtual |
authenticated (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | |
AuthenticatePlatform(string platformKey, string platformId, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | virtual |
AuthenticatePlatform< T >(string platformKey, string platformId, Action< bool, string > callback) (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | virtual |
AutoLogin(Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | static |
AutoLogin< T >(Action< bool, string > callback) (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | static |
CanAutoLogin(out string username, out string password) | Combu.User | static |
ChangePassword(string newPassword, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | virtual |
ChangePassword(long idUser, string username, string resetCode, string newPassword, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | static |
CreateGuest(Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | virtual |
customData | Combu.Profile | |
Delete(Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | virtual |
Delete(string username, string password, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | static |
Combu.Profile | ||
Exists(string username, string email, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | static |
friends (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | |
FromHashtable(Hashtable hash) | Combu.Profile | virtual |
FromJson(string jsonString) | Combu.Profile | virtual |
FromUser(User source) | Combu.User | virtual |
GetContact(string idOrUsername, Action< bool, string, eContactType?, User > callback) | Combu.User | |
GetContact< T >(string idOrUsername, Action< bool, string, eContactType?, User > callback) | Combu.User | |
id | Combu.Profile | |
idLong | Combu.Profile | |
ignored (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | |
image | Combu.Profile | |
isFriend | Combu.Profile | |
lastSeen | Combu.Profile | |
LinkAccount(string username, string password, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | virtual |
LinkPlatform(string platformKey, string platformId, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | virtual |
Load(User[] updateUsers, Action< bool > callback) | Combu.User | static |
Load(Action< bool > callback) | Combu.User | |
Load(long userId, Action< User > callback) | Combu.User | static |
Load(string userName, Action< User > callback) | Combu.User | static |
Load(long[] userIds, Action< User[]> callback) | Combu.User | static |
Load(string[] userNames, Action< User[]> callback) | Combu.User | static |
Load< T >(string username, string email, SearchCustomData[] customData, bool isOnline, int pageNumber, int limit, Action< T[], int, int > callback) | Combu.User | static |
LoadFriends(Action< bool > callback) | Combu.User | virtual |
LoadFriends(eContactType contactType, Action< bool > callback) | Combu.User | virtual |
LoadFriends< T >(eContactType contactType, Action< bool > callback) | Combu.User | virtual |
LoadPlatform(IEnumerable< string > platformKeys, IEnumerable< string > platformIds, Action< User[]> callback) (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | static |
LoadPlatform< T >(IEnumerable< string > platformKeys, IEnumerable< string > platformIds, Action< T[]> callback) (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | static |
password (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | |
pendingRequests (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | |
platforms (defined in Combu.Profile) | Combu.Profile | |
Profile() (defined in Combu.Profile) | Combu.Profile | |
Profile(string jsonString) | Combu.Profile | |
Profile(Hashtable hash) | Combu.Profile | |
Random< T >(SearchCustomData[] customData, int count, Action< T[]> callback) | Combu.User | static |
RemoveContact(string otherUsername, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | |
RemoveContact(long otherId, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | |
RemoveContact(Profile otherUser, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | |
requests (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | |
ResendActivationCode(string usernameEmailOrId, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | static |
ResetPassword(Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | virtual |
ResetPassword(long idUser, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | static |
ResetPassword(string username, Action< bool, string > callback) | Combu.User | static |
sessionToken | Combu.Profile | |
state | Combu.Profile | |
StoreUserCredentials(string storeUserName, string storePassword) | Combu.User | protectedvirtual |
underage (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | |
Update(Action< bool, string > callback, bool requestUpdateFromServer=true, bool requestReplaceCustomData=false, bool requestReplaceAppCustomData=false) | Combu.User | virtual |
User() (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | |
User(bool authenticated) (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | |
User(string jsonString) (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | |
User(Hashtable hash) (defined in Combu.User) | Combu.User | |
userName | Combu.Profile |