Combu  3.2.2
Unity API Documentation
Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):
[detail level 123]
 NCombuThis class encodes and decodes JSON strings. Spec. details, see
 CAchievementAchievement class implementing the Unity built-in Social interfaces (IAchievement, IAchievementDescription)
 CCombuManagerCombu Manager class, it follows the Singleton pattern design (accessible through the 'instance' static property), it means that you shouldn't have more than one instance of this component in your scene
 CCombuPlatformCombu Platform implementation of Unity built-in Social interfaces (ISocialPlatform)
 CCombuServerInfoClass to handle Combu server informations
 CSearchCustomDataClass to handle generic a generic search filter
 CTournamentTournaments class
 CUserUser class implementing the Unity built-in Social interfaces (specialized IUserProfile, ILocalUser)