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History log

51 Posts
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  • Added new method User.ResendActivationCode to resend the activation code by email to an account
  • Added new optional parameter requestUpdateFromServer (default: true) to method User.Update to not request the newest profile data from server after saving (better performance in saving network-traffic/response-decrypting but you'll have to handle yourself the reload of data from server when you need)
  • Added new optional parameter requestReplaceCustomData (default: false) to method User.Update to replace all the user's global custom data with the values currently sent from client, instead of overwriting only what is sent
  • Added new optional parameter requestReplaceAppCustomData (default: false) to method User.Update to replace all the user's app custom data with the values currently sent from client, instead of overwriting only what is sent
  • The enum UserFile.eShareType has been moved into CombuEnums.cs and now belongs to Combu namespace
  • Added pre-processor statement to use UnityWebRequest instead of WWW for Unity 2017 or higher
  • Added new property useExperimentalThreaded in CombuManager class to run the server response decryption on another thread than the main


  • Created own package for server Updater with its own classes and methods for easier management and smarter updates
  • Added new action 'resend_activation' to webservice users.php to resend the activation code by email to an account
  • Admin Web: Added class 'page-<filename>' to the main <DIV> container of admin's common header to allow more control in custom CSS
  • Admin Web: Fixed some HTML issues and a bug in the Client Users detail page causing weird results in the File subsection when a file contained custom data
  • Admin Web: Created new section User Groups to manage the groups created by users, with possibility to create new one, manage members and owner
  • Admin Web: Added new tab Groups in the Client User details page with possibility to manage group subscriptions



Posted : 17/11/2019 1:09 pm
Posts: 805
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  • User.Email is now correctly retrieved from server


  • Email is now passed to Account JSON output

Documentation has been improved with new additions and details at


Posted : 17/11/2019 1:11 pm
Posts: 805
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- Boosted performance of JSON deserialization (optimized memory management of Garbage Collection while parsing the string)
- The property timeScope of Leaderboard is now AllTime by default instead of Today
- The member method LoadScoresByUser of a Leaderboard object is now obsolete and must be replaced with LoadScoreByUser
- The member method LoadScoreByUser of a Leaderboard object sends the leaderboard id or code to the webservice (id has precedence over code) and returns a NULL Score to the callback if the leaderboard doesn't exist
- Created new method Leaderboard.SetGroupFilter to filter the scores by a user group
- To retrieve the scores of a user from all the leaderboards you must use the static method Leaderboard.LoadScoresByUser
- Fixed exception when LoadScoresByUser and LoadScoreByUser return a NULL user (it should never happens anyway)
- Minor code optimizations


- Fixed and optimized the query to retrieve the leaderboard scores of Friends
- The method Leaderboard::LoadHighscore now has a new parameter $groupId after $sumPlayer to filter the scores by user group
- Fixed webservice action "leaderboards/highscore_account" loading the scores of all leaderboards when passing a wrong/inexistent leaderboard Id or Code (you can still pass a value of "0" as leaderboard id to retrieve the scores of all leaderboards)
- Server-side logging feature has been rewritten to use the open source library log4php for better handling the logs (if you used methods like AppLog::Info in your add-ons then you should replace those calls with AppLog::GetLogger()->info to have the source file/line originating the request in the log)
- Deleting a client user now also deletes the related records in the tables Account_App and AppCustomData
- In the webservice action "users/login_platform" it now notifies the addons when the user has been just created
- Editing and deleting a client user from the administration console now notify the addons
- Added new boolean configuration setting REGISTER_PASSWORD_REQUIRED to disable the password requirement for registration and authentication (if the constant doesn't exist in the configuration or is set to TRUE then the password is required)


Posted : 12/05/2020 6:58 pm
Posts: 805
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  • Added a new overload method UserFile.Load to specify SearchCustomData[] array to filter by custom data
  • Added new overloads for the method UserFile.Update to allow you to specify the file name (as it will be saved on the server) and eventually the MIME type of the bytes array content that you're uploading
  • Added new property gameId to Profile class for compatibility with Unity 2019.4.X, it contains the concatenation of the app and user identifiers
  • Added CultureInfo.InvariantCulture to all float and double TryParse/Parse calls to fix issues with the decimal place in different languages
  • Fixed a bug preventing the use of custom User class to be used with AuthenticatePlatform
  • Fixed searching users by multiple custom data or app custom data



  • Added new optional parameter $customData to the method UserFile::Load to filter by custom data
  • Added new property gameId to the output JSON of Account
  • The administration website has been partially rewritten using Smarty template framework to optimize the division of the logic from the presentation
  • Fixed bug in adding Like to the UserFile if an activity View log was already existing for the same user
  • Fixed a bug which caused an issue in saving the appCustomData dictionary for the new user registration
  • Fixed a bug which caused an in-game message with a group as destination not being sent to the group owner
  • Fixed bug in adding a contact by Username if the username was numeric
  • Removed prefix "__TEMP__" in the username of the newly created guest accounts in Account::CreateRandom (fix issue for the database field being smaller than the resulting guest username)
  • Fixed bug in webservice endpoint users/link_platform preventing the return of logged user's Platforms
  • Added new tab "Inventory" in the Client User Details administration page to manage the inventory of the user in every App
  • Updated the method Utils::IsValidEmail to support the new domains with more than 3 letters



  • Changed to 50 the length of the field Username in the table Account



Posted : 10/01/2022 7:20 pm
Posts: 805
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  • Fixed loading menus of custom add-ons


Posted : 16/01/2022 8:50 pm
Posts: 805
Prominent Member Admin
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  • Fixed bug in management of Groups in the Client User detail page
  • Fixed bug in management of Inventory in the Client User detail page
  • Fixed warning notice in User Group save action



Posted : 02/06/2022 11:22 am
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