Hello, I just recently purchased Combu 3 from the Unity Assets Store and have run into a small snag while trying to implement. In the set up instructions for live server ( http://skaredcreations.com/api/combu/v3/page_server.html) it says to import combu_db.sql into the database, however I cannot find this file anywhere in my Combu folder (it doesn't look like it was included with the assets package.)
Where can I find this file (combu_db.sql) for Combu 3?
Ops.. I forgot to remove that line, by Combu 3 you will not have the file .sql but for the first installation on environment you can upload all files from local including the file /lib/config.php and edit the defines of the database connection for the production database, and including also the folder /_setup, then navigate with your browser to http://yourserver/yourcombu/_setup and from the page of the database creation you can either copy&paste the queries on phpmyadmin or directly execute them on the database you configured in config.php
EDIT: I have edited the documentation page linked above.
Ahh, that explains it. Thanks!!