Clan support, pre-g...
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Clan support, pre-game lobbies & voice chat

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These 3 things would make Combu complete!

Clan support

Giving players the option to either create a clan (becoming a clan leader) or being invited to another clan. Then there would be a few options available to them, message clan, change clan tag (only for leader), etc.


Pre-game lobbies

This would be a place to hang out until the game is ready to be started, where people can text/voice chat with each other and set pre-game options.


Voice chat

The fact that there are so few options for voice chat functionality on the asset store makes this even more valuable. 


Hopefully we will see these one day.

Posted : 27/01/2015 5:01 pm
Posts: 805
Prominent Member Admin

For Clan support you could already implement it by using the last feature added User Groups, basically you would create a group from the logged user (that is the clan leader) and then join members with CBManager.UserGroupJoin (for the clan tag you could use a customData on the leader's account, and use other customData to new members where you'd store the join invitation request).

About chat, it ideally shouldn't be handled by HTTP because it is an asynchronous protocol and so you'll need to poll messages each N seconds/ticks. It's usually something that you would implement with a network library on established TCP connection, anyway I'll see if there's room to implement an asynchronous chat in the future.

Same for Voice Chat, it's something that requires live synchronous connection so it's out of scope, since Combu is not a network library but only a backend for your game data.


Posted : 05/02/2015 11:45 am