Combu 404 Error, Ne...
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Combu 404 Error, New to SQL Database interfacing/PHP

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I wanted to use Combu for my school project, and I can't quite seem to get it working. I heard about this solution from a friend who recommended it and decided to pick it up.  I have only touched SQL and PHP few times before, but I have never done the interaction from game to sql server/php scripts on the web. I know 404 means that (something) wasn't found, but I can't find my error. I think it might be how I laid out the URL(s) in the configs. I have took images of my CBManager script config, the web server file hierarchy,  and the web server config to show you every step I took. I'm using 1and1 as my host and my domain name is I also have an SQL database that has been set up correctly.

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Thanks for the help Smile!

Posted : 07/05/2014 5:20 am
Posts: 805
Prominent Member Admin


If I try to navigate with a web browser to any file/folder inside your defined Combu location, your website keeps showing the default "404 courtesy page" that 1and1 created for you. Usually the root of hosting spaces contains a list of private folders (that is for internal use only, not accessible from browser) and among those there's generally a folder called with the name of the domain (or public_html, httpdocs, etc) that represents the website root accessible from a browser.

From this page I see that you can setup or change the destination folder of your domain (read here how to do), so you could try to see what is the current destination of the domain that is likely not the "/" root that you see in FTP. I suggest to have a folder "public_html" in your "/" in FTP and set this folder as destination for your domain, then finally move the combu folder under it.

About your Combu config.php I see also an error there, that is the value of URL_ROOT: as written in the comment just above it, it must be the relative path to the Combu folder so you must remove "" (but starts and ends with a "/"). Also please consider to define a SECRET_KEY (you can use the website recommended in the comment to choose a 24 length random string). Finally I noticed you set a value for Timezone in the CBManager prefab, remember that the value there is to set the timezone of the Unity client so if you want to use it then you may want to dynamically set it at runtime from a script (you could use Timezone.CurrentTimeZone and convert the .NET timezo into PHP timezone name, you can google how to convert for example here).


Posted : 07/05/2014 1:26 pm
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Cool Wow. You. Guys. Are. Amazing! I would like to thank you so much for your in-depth research on a simple problem, long with the tips to improve my experience with the product. 10/10 Support, and sound product.


I have just 1 more question: How do I set up a password on the included admin tool?


I will always use and recommend Combu in my multiplayer games and to others. Thanks again! Smile

EDIT: I get an error whenever I activate Leaderboards, Inventory, Mail, Etc. The details are shown below, but however this can be resolved (if it's my problem) later as all I need right now is a login system Laugh.

ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
Parameter name: s
System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes (System.String s) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/monoAndRuntimeClassLibs/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Text/Encoding.cs:268)
UnityEngine.WWWForm.AddField (System.String fieldName, System.String value, System.Text.Encoding e) (at C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/EditorGenerated/Utils.cs:471)
UnityEngine.WWWForm.AddField (System.String fieldName, System.String value) (at C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/EditorGenerated/Utils.cs:465)
CBManager.CreateForm () (at Assets/combu/Scripts/CBManager.cs:252)
CBManager.LoadLeaderboard[CBLeaderboard] (Int64 idLeaderboard) (at Assets/combu/Scripts/CBManager.cs:636)
CBManager.LoadLeaderboard (Int64 idLeaderboard) (at Assets/combu/Scripts/CBManager.cs:633)
DemoGUI.DisplayLeaderboard () (at Assets/combu/Demo/DemoGUI.cs:877)
DemoGUI.DoWindow (Int32 windowId) (at Assets/combu/Demo/DemoGUI.cs:550)
UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) (at C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/EditorGenerated/GUI.cs:1395)

Posted : 08/05/2014 7:35 am
Posts: 805
Prominent Member Admin

Hi, great I'm glad it helped to solve the issue with your domain configuration.

For the admin panel, I suggest you to create your own admin username and password: login to the admin control panel with the default admin user, go to "Admins" and click "Create Admin", choose your username and password, logout and re-login with the new created credentials and finally delete the default admin user in "Admins".

About the exception raised, now it's quite strange because I see that the line raising this exception is where it adds the user session token and it's automatically set upon a successful login. It's probably something wrong with configuration or something else, I'm going to contact you privately on this forum to get in contact and found/fix this.

By the way it seems you like Combu, so please consider to write a review or leave a feedback rating on Asset StoreSmile



Posted : 08/05/2014 11:49 am
Posts: 805
Prominent Member Admin

I noticed that the version uploaded on Asset Store contains a small issue in the users webservice that I fixed later, I sent an update right now to Asset Store to fix this and it should take up to 3-5 days for the Unity team to review and make it available on Asset Store. Meanwhile, I'll send the updated files to you privately.


Posted : 08/05/2014 12:52 pm
Posts: 805
Prominent Member Admin

There is also another thing that could cause this exception: if you have the GameObject of CBManager selected in the hierarchy panel and the inspector panel view is set to "Debug" instead of "Normal" then this exception will be raised, because the inspector panel auto-creates and auto-assigns objects to the components unless the expected objects are Monobehavior or Components themselves (this is not a bug, it's just as the Unity inspector panel works). So please be sure that the inspector panel is set to "Normal" when you select the CBManager gameobject.


Posted : 08/05/2014 8:33 pm