combu the user.
Depending watching a movie, but
"combu / lib / config.php" contents of the
define ("URL_ROOT", "/ combu /");
define ("SECRET_KEY", "changeme");
// Server hostname
define ("GAME_DB_SERVER", "localhost");
// Database name
define ("GAME_DB_NAME", "combu_test");
// User
define ("GAME_DB_USER", "root");
// Password
define ("GAME_DB_PASS", "");
But keep the same "Username and / or Password invalid" not login with the message.
Thank you.
The config settings look fine (besides the fact the the value of URL_ROOT should not have spaces inside, but I suppose it's only a mistype). Are you sure that you're using the correct URL (check the flag Use Stage in the inspector of CBManager component on Unity), you could eventually add a debug log in the function CB_Account.CheckLogin: open the file /lib/CB_Account.php in the line right after the assign of the SQL statement to $query, add the following line:
Now you can check the file /_logs/applog.log to see what is the SQL statement execute and eventually try it yourself on phpMyAdmin.