I use this code to autologin or if that is not available create a guest account:
CombuManager.instance.rememberCredentials = true; string storedUsername, storedPassword; if (User.CanAutoLogin(out storedUsername, out storedPassword)) { Debug.Log ("Try to auto-login with username '" + storedUsername + "' and password '" + storedPassword + "'"); User.AutoLogin ((bool loginSuccess, string loginError) => { Debug.Log ("AutoLogin: " + loginSuccess + " -- " + loginError); if (loginSuccess) { Debug.Log("Logged in"); } else { // If autologin fails then create a guest account var user = new User (); user.CreateGuest ((bool success, string error) => { if (success) { Debug.Log ("CreateGuest - Success=" + success + " > Error=" + error); } }); } }); }
However every time I restart my unity scene it creates a new guest account again.
As far as I can tell from the combu code for guests there is no password stored on the server.
And therefore autologin will not work.
My current workaround is to store a random password for the guest user after creating it.
private string randomString(int length) { var chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; var stringChars = new char[length]; var random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < stringChars.Length; i++) { stringChars[i] = chars[random.Next(chars.Length)]; } var finalString = new String(stringChars); return finalString; } CombuUser user = new CombuUser (); user.CreateGuest ((bool success, string error) => { if (success) { Debug.Log ("CreateGuest - Success=" + success + " > Error=" + error); Debug.Log("guest " + user.userName + " " + user.password); string guestPass = randomString(8); Debug.Log("set pass for guest: " + guestPass); user.ChangePassword(guestPass, (bool success, string error) => { Debug.Log("ChangePassword " + success + " " + error); if (success) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("LoginPassword", guestPass); Debug.Log("Saved guest status"); } }); } });
that is correct because allowing the login of guests without a password would be a security hole if another user knows the guest's username. I see that I forgot to update the stored credentials in the callback of ChangePassword so I'll add it there for the next update.
About setting the password for guest users, you could try a small trick: edit the script User.cs in Unity and replace the method CreateGuest with the following code
public virtual void CreateGuest (Action<bool, string> callback) { if (!CombuManager.isInitialized) throw ExceptionCombuNotInitialized; var form = CombuManager.instance.CreateForm (); form.AddField ("action", "create_guest"); form.AddField ("Password", password); DoAuthenticate (form, (bool success, string error) => { if (success) StoreUserCredentials(CombuManager.localUser.userName, password); if (callback != null) callback(success, error); }); }
If it works (it should accordingly to the server code), you'll be able to set the password on the User object before calling CreateGuest and so you avoid the call to ChangePassword.
I tried your solution but it doesnt work.
The server doesnt return a password for the guest nor is there a password stored in the mysql database.
Therefore when I try autologin later (after I created a guest account) it doesn't work.
It is fine for me if you say autologin should not work for guests (I will then continue to use my solution that creates a pass for guests too).
But then the help should clearly state that.
Or did you mean alter the CreateGuest funtion like this?
public virtual void CreateGuest (string password, Action<bool, string> callback) { if (!CombuManager.isInitialized) throw ExceptionCombuNotInitialized; var form = CombuManager.instance.CreateForm (); form.AddField ("action", "create_guest"); form.AddField ("Password", password); DoAuthenticate (form, (bool success, string error) => { if (success) StoreUserCredentials(CombuManager.localUser.userName, password); if (callback != null) callback(success, error); }); }
And then I call it using my own random password?
It may be that you misunderstood my answer, the code that I provided in the previous post was only meant as workaround to avoid the call to ChangePassword but it still required you to create a random password (to let Autologin work with empty-password guests I'll need to make a change, that is changing the login webservice action to check the error for empty password only on accounts that have a password set in the database, I'll do this in the next update).
So to use the code change above you should call it like this (following your sample code):
CombuUser user = new CombuUser (); user.password = randomString(8); user.CreateGuest ((bool success, string error) => { if (success) { Debug.Log ("CreateGuest - Success=" + success + " > Error=" + error); Debug.Log("guest " + user.userName + " " + user.password); } });
Yes, you are right!
Thanks for the fast responses.