
This page contains some of the projects that I worked on for previous customers/employers. Visit the individual pages to read more and watch videos/screenshots.

Allevi Love Runner

Allevi Love Runner

Developed the programming part of the game Allevi Love Runner  created for and inspired to Giovanni Allevi , published by Bizart SRL , designed and animated by Marco Pavone . The composer and pianist Giovanni Allevi, who captivates the audience with ...
Animal Plot

Animal Plot

Animal Plot  is a 3D virtual cemetery where the users buy graves and decorations for their dead pets. Skared Creations  developed all the game client features and the related Web Services, bringing a smooth user experience to this virtual world. h...
Avalon Lords

Avalon Lords

Avalon Lords , formerly known as Kingdom of Knights , is a new MMO RTS on which I worked as Lead Programmer for Animus Interactive , that is the producer and owner of the Avalon Lords brand. Avalon Lords: Dawn Rises  has been published on Steam Ea...
Domino Rally

Domino Rally

Domino Rally is a game for iOS developed by us for Pyntail LLC , it is the computer porting of the popular board game, it allows the player to build a rally with domino pieces, balls, cars, ramps, stairs, levers and many other objects to make it fun...
Friends Hangout

Friends Hangout

Worked as contributor on FriendsHangout  social game, making many bugfixes and adding new features to that awesome game. Besides that, I created also two new features that will be available soon online in the game: a room where the players can customize th...


In late 2014 we developed the website MilanoStanze.it for Finlibera s.p.a. (excluding the graphics), a famous website for renting room in Milan. The technologies we used are: PHP as server pages, MySql as database server and jQuery for various client p...
Simple QUIZ

Simple QUIZ

Developed both the website and the client app for iOS, Android and Windows Phone of Simple QUIZ , an educational software to fill the official questionaries to achieve the drive license in Italy. Simple QUIZ is a software produced, published and copyrighted ...
Viewer Notebook

Viewer Notebook

A modified version of previous viewer with a notebook that the user can open/close clicking on it. The open/close animation is realized through script. This viewer works with interaction from both mouse and touchscreen (on Windows/Mac). http://ww...
Viewer Tablet

Viewer Tablet

A 3D viewer application where you can freely rotate a model holding down the left mouse button. It is integrated with a slider to zoom in/out and a button to reset the original rotation and distance. This viewer works with interaction from both mouse...