Combu 2.0 has been released on our Store and is currently under the review process on Asset Store!
If you’re planning to upgrade your current project, don’t forget to make a backup of your current PHP scripts, MySQL database and Unity project.
To upgrade an existing project, proceed as follows:
- rename the 1.x folder in “combu_old” in Unity
- import the 2.x package
- delete all 1.x web files and unpack the new
- edit the web file /lib/config.php with your MySQL connection string (server IP/hostname, database name, mysql credentials)
- execute the file combu_db_upgrade_from_1_5_3.sql on your phpMyAdmin
- make changes to your scripts and replace the calls to CBManager methods with the new ones from CombuManager and the new classes
- add the prefab CombuManager from Combu/Prefabs in your scene and adjust the settings in the inspector; delete the old CBManager prefab from your scene
You will find the full new documentation online at