Hello, Dear Skared Creations!
I have a question, is it possible to use build in mailer to send email from withing the app? I d like to implement feedback solution to let user to send message not leaving the application.
PS beta 8 works perfect so far 🙂
It's pretty easy to implement:
1. Create the a PHP file called send_email.php in the root of Combu folder on your web server with this code:
include_once 'lib/api.php';
use CombuMail;
use CombuUtils;
use CombuErrorMessage;
define("SEND_EMAIL_TO", "you_email@your_server.com");
$success = FALSE;
$message = "";
if (empty($WS_REQUEST) || !$LoggedAccount->IsLogged()) {
// Unauthorized request
$message = ErrorMessage::Get(ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED_REQUEST);
} else {
// Get email data from request data
$subject = $WS_REQUEST["subject"];
$body = $WS_REQUEST["body"];
// Send email
$mail = new Mail();
$mail->prepare($subject, $body, SEND_EMAIL_TO, $LoggedAccount->Email, $LoggedAccount->Username);
$success = $mail->Send();
$message = $mail->ErrorInfo;
Utils::EchoJson(Utils::JsonEncodeSuccessMessage($success, $message));
2. then call this web service in Unity:
form.AddField("subject", "Email test");
form.AddField("body", "This is a test message");
CombuManager.instance.CallWebservice(CombuManager.instance.GetUrl("send_email.php"), form, (string text, string error) => {
bool success = false;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
Hashtable result = text.hashtableFromJson();
if (result != null)
if (result.ContainsKey("success"))
bool.TryParse(result["success"].ToString(), out success);
if (!success && result.ContainsKey("message"))
error = result["message"].ToString();
Debug.Log("Send Email: Success=" + success + " --- Error=" + error);
The code above is for Combu 3.0 and assumes that your user is already authenticated.
...or you could use our add-on Issue Tracker for Combu that allows you to handle issue feedbacks and attaches output logs (the one you see on Console log in Unity) and screenshot. Though we didn't release a version compatible with Combu 3 for our add-ons, we have already implemented but will release when Combu 3 will be finally released to the public. 🙂
Thanks a lot! Very easy to implement! Gonna use this until 3.0 addons will be relesed.